Datura stramonium L.

Nota de alcance (en)

Range. Native of Mexico; now pantropical. Cultivated in Myanmar.

Leaf: Used as a sedative and antiasthmatic. Liquid from crushed leaves taken with skimmed milk will cure gonorrhea. Crushed leaves mixed with turmeric powder can be used as a poultice to cure breast inflammation or boils in the breasts of women. Sun-dried leaves are incorporated into a smoking cheroot to treat asthma. Roasted and applied to cure inflammation of the joints and aching of bones.

Seed: Used in the treatment of gonorrhea and dyspepsia. Crushed, ground, and pressed onto the gum to cure toothaches. Seed powder is soaked in sesamum oil for seven days; oil is applied and covered with a thin bandage to cure headaches, aching eyes, backache, leg and foot problems; oil is brushed onto the suprapubic region for menstrual cramps and aches.

Root: To cure a patient with rabies, a root paste is given orally followed by eating dried roasted beef.

Seed and Root: Used as a tonic to increase virility.


The Himalaya from Kashmir to Sikkim up to 2,700 m,  hilly districts of
Central and South India.

Spasmolytic, antiasthmatic, anticholinergic, cerebral depressant, nerve-sedative. Controls spasms of bronchioles in asthma. Anticholinergic. Effects of overdose are similar to those of atropine. Temporary relief from Parkinsonian tremor recorded. (Contraindicated with depressant drugs.) Applied locally, stramonium palliates the pain of muscular rheumatism, neuralgia, also pain due to haemorrhoids, fistula, abscesses and similar inflammations. Prevents motion sickness.



Folk medicinal uses

This well-known drug plant is used to some extent in Jamaica for asthma and sinus infections. 'It palliates the distressing paroxysms of pure spasmodic asthma when smoked'. (Lindley). The leaves are rubbed up and applied externally to swellings, burns and ulcers. Similar uses are made of the plant in South Africa. The leaves are also used for headaches, haemorrhoids and running sores. Browne reports that in his day the plant was seldom used internally as its use was accompanied by 'dreadful perturbations of the mind', though it was tben used for scalds and sores.


“Cariri Paraibano”, Brazil
Medicinal indication
As anti-asthmatic As sedative: Flowers and seeds


Toxic Plant
Toxic, Avoid Use
Hallucinogenic (seeds)
Used in ethnic rituals
Medicinal  properties:
- Asthma (smoked as cigarrettes)
- Applied topically for skin boils
- Hallucinogenic (seeds)
- Rheumatism (topical)


Mizoram, Northeast India
Parts used
Leaf: Boils
Fruit: Anti-dandruff, hair promoter

Nota bibliográfica (en)

1) DeFilipps, Robert A.; Krupnick, Gary A. / PhytoKeys, v. 102. - - p. 1 - 314,  2018.

2) Khare, C.P./ Indian Medicinal Plants. -- Nueva Dheli: Springer, 2007 . - p. 836.

3) Asprey, G.F; Phylis Thornton/ Medicinal plants of Jamaica. Parts I & II. – p. 25.


4) M.F. Agra; et al/ Medicinal and poisonous diversity of the flora of “Cariri Paraibano”, Brazil/ Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111 (2007), p. 392.


5) Armando González Stuart/ Plants Used in Mexican Plants Used in Mexican Traditional Medicine Traditional Medicine: Their Application and Effects In Traditional Healing Practices. - p. 167.


6) Birla Kshetrimayum/ Medicinal Plants and Its Therapeutic Uses/ USA: OMICS Group eBooks, 2017. p. 27

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